Real Housewives of Big Bear

I know the term is called “Mama Bear”, but I’m wondering if anyone is as enthralled and INVESTED in Jackie and Shadow’s 3 baby birds as I am?

Dinner Time!

I don’t know how I found them last year, but I watched them incubate and watched over 3 eggs last year and none of them ever hatched. It was so sad. Jackie stayed sitting on them way over the time that would have been viable. I guess something about her instinctually needed to grieve and she wasn’t ready to let go.

This year is definitely different. Now we have 3 baby eaglets all chirping and falling over each other to be fed. I am opting to put this on my tv screen over Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Honestly, I don’t know if the partnership and commitment that Jackie and Shadow is “love” as we know it, but if I can’t have a partnership like that- I don’t want it. 

My daughter and I celebrating life and health!

The way they are watching over their babies, feeding on overtime. Protecting from anything that could want to hurt them. I can’t help but think about how I have fought to protect my babies, and I know many of you reading will understand this too. Someone once told me or I read, if you are worried if you are a good mom, then you are. Simply thinking that maybe you aren’t a great mom, separates you from the “not-so-great-mom’s”. This simple idea really set my nerves on calm. I know there are things that I am not the best at. I don’t always remember my daughter doesn’t like popcorn, and I can’t remember my son’s top 5 basketball players of all time- but I know I have left dangerous relationships, moved across country, taken out loans, traded in cars, changed jobs etc. because I felt it was in the BEST interest of my two little kid-lets. And I would do it all over again, everyday for their safety. 

I know the odd’s aren’t the best for all 3 of Jackie’s sweet babies to survive. This makes me sad, but as a scientist- I understand the concept of natural selection and survival of the fittest. As I’m writing this, it looks like the little baby #3 isn’t doing so well. I am so thankful that my two kids are strong and we are all survivors. 

I hope this can give you a little boost today. You are doing amazing, your kids know you are trying. Stay in protect mode mama’s- we’re building our legacy. And if you aren’t watching Jackie and Shadow, you should be!

Smiles & Miles,

Alissa Gray


I’m not the only one…