I’m not the only one…
Hi! Hopefully, you are aware that I have a podcast called, Make It Uncomfortable. In this new podcast, I am exploring all topics that I have avoided in the past. Topics that I believe will make other women feel empowered to speak up and voice their stories as well. When I was in the thick of my abusive relationships… (yes that is right, there were two at least), I would be looking for stories of women who may have experienced similar things as myself, not even for advice, if only just to feel like I wasn’t the only one.
I wasn’t the only one who comforted my abuser after he head butted me and then threatened to cut himself in solidarity with me. I wasn’t the only one who lied to cover up why I couldn’t go to a work dinner because he wouldn’t allow me to go to dinner on a work trip. Was I the only one who cried in the shower, pregnant, as he yelled at me saying he wished I had an abortion and how ugly and fat I was? Was I the only one who had to constantly apologize for his behavior that could turn on a dime if his sports team lost or felt like someone didn’t give him the respect he “deserved”? I imagine the answer is no.
My baby shower in which he was jealous that he didn’t get any presents.
While the absolute details and names might be different, I am confident that the stories that I have to share will be met with resounding echoes from others. It is not my intention to just tell my story for a feeling of importance. Afterall, like I said- who am I? I am no one particularly important. These stories have been told before, and they will be told again in the future. However, just perhaps, God will use my testimony as a vessel to reach a young woman who feels like there is no other option but to stay. Let me be the first, or let me tell you again, you can leave. You should leave. He will find a way to live without you. The separation period is hard, there is no doubt. And it is no secret that a woman's most dangerous time is when they are leaving a domestic violent relationship. But if you remain strong, keep evidence of everything, gather a small circle of supportive friends and advisors- you can safely exit.
I am starting a 14-day Valentines day challenge today. On the 15th of February we will choose one winner for a grand prize. Moreover, my dream is that in this countdown time, I am able to reach more accounts and people that need support and help that I can offer. I am asking- if you are reading this, even if it is outside of the giveaway, please consider anyone you think could benefit from my help and my story. With your help, we can reach thousands of women. This is just a request to please check out Make It Uncomfortable available at Spotify and Apple for streaming today! Follow the show so you can have updates for new episodes. I already have a lineup of guests.
My story is my strength, and when you follow me you will find a friend!
Smiles x miles,
Alissa Gray