Before and After: Visible or Hidden?
I’m ready to do this! I am nervous because I have never written a blog before- BUT I have many diaries from when I was younger and I love to type- so I think I have the right ingredients to make something interesting. I hope you enjoy and get something out of these entries.
I thought I would keep this short and sweet- I can’t commit to daily entries- but I will make an effort to be consistent. I have a birthday coming up in just 9 days. I looked back at pictures of myself on my birthday over the years. I have physically made the most changes over the last three years. I have lost about 60 ish pounds and kept it off. Looking at before and after pictures have really helped me know where I came from and actually SEE the difference.
This got me thinking- man too bad you can’t see emotional and mental healing progress. Beyond my physical successes over the years, I am actually most proud of my mental and emotional triumphs over the previous 18 years. I have pulled myself, two kids, and a mom with me through some TOUGH decades. Two pivotal relationships that both ended in physical restraining orders, police reports, and even prison time. I have maintained a successful upward slope for my professional career, bought and sold a home, moved across the country 4 times, completed two years of intense mental health therapy, been on and off medications, and most recently ran a marathon.
These personal triumphs are not actually visible in pictures- but I know they’re there. Having said this, I really want to encourage my friends out there to remember that maybe if you aren’t seeing physical change- there is change happening. You are growing, you are getting stronger. Don’t give up on yourself and your journey. I’m here traveling this road with you every step of the way, and here to hopefully offer inspiration. Let’s tackle today and see what is in store for tomorrow! -
Smiles and Miles, Alissa Gray.
January 26, 2022 to January 16, 2025. Three years with about 1500 miles ran on these feet in between and infinite amount of wisdom gained, confidence, and tears shed to get here.